I've been busy this last week. We had rain, hail, rain, snow, rain, sleet, and more rain for 3 days. Then the clouds left and Mother Nature gifted us with beautiful Spring weather. It's been wonderful these last few days. My indoor hobbies are starting to take a back seat to my favorite outside hobby: gardening. I am an avid gardener living in an area that can challenge even the most die-hard gardener. Deer run rampant through my property. It's not uncommon to see 10-15 deer when I look out my windows. And they eat almost EVERYTHING. I finally extended the height of the fence in the backyard area so there is one safe area. I have been defeated in the front yard.
Then there are the *&$#^@*&%$^ gophers. I had to give up on veg gardening for a while because of the gophers. When my new beds were built, I had them wired for gophers. Last year it worked and I could tell they were trying to get into the beds. Hopefully it will continue to work. I can't wire the entire property so the only way to grow flowers is to put them in pots. This means I have lots and lots and lots of potted plants because I LOVE to grow flowers. Then there is the winter weather. This year we had the hardest freeze in the 20 years that I have lived here and I lost more plants then I can count. It's been heartbreaking. But a gardener knows how to grow cheaply so I have been trying to get cuttings from friends and am planting a lot of seeds. I've spent the last couple of days prepping the veg garden beds, re-potting a few plants, potting a few others, raking, mowing, and doing general cleanup. I was hot and dirty and smelly and happy as could be!
During all that rain, I managed to get caught up with the Pinwheel Party blocks. I'm beginning to really like how this quilt is turning out. And I am getting really fast at making pinwheels! The next block is comes out tomorrow so I'll be back in the sewing room again sometime this week. I've also been mulling over the Christmas BOTM. I think I will swap out a few fabrics. There are 4 trees to make this month. One of them is appliqué. Not my favorite thing. But this is a learning project so I go ahead and do it. But first you have to get me out of the garden!
Then there are the *&$#^@*&%$^ gophers. I had to give up on veg gardening for a while because of the gophers. When my new beds were built, I had them wired for gophers. Last year it worked and I could tell they were trying to get into the beds. Hopefully it will continue to work. I can't wire the entire property so the only way to grow flowers is to put them in pots. This means I have lots and lots and lots of potted plants because I LOVE to grow flowers. Then there is the winter weather. This year we had the hardest freeze in the 20 years that I have lived here and I lost more plants then I can count. It's been heartbreaking. But a gardener knows how to grow cheaply so I have been trying to get cuttings from friends and am planting a lot of seeds. I've spent the last couple of days prepping the veg garden beds, re-potting a few plants, potting a few others, raking, mowing, and doing general cleanup. I was hot and dirty and smelly and happy as could be!